Monday, February 15, 2010

Second Life online game

"I liked your baker chedden pizza" - That's bacon cheddar, my darling.

My newest adventure is Second Life. I was told by a friend that this is a game for freaks. This intrigued me. "Why for freaks," I asked. Her reply - "It's just for a bunch of obsessive people who let it control their lives". Hmmm......I had literally been in the middle of finding an online, multiplayer, non-combatant game that isn't overwhelming, but still has variety. Let me clarify:  I usually hate video games that don't fit these requirements, and therefore games I like are hard to find. Even worse for free games.

So, I set up a Second Life account on Basic, which allowed me to avoid the subscription fee.

The Beginning:
1)  Pick a basic character. Once you enter the actual game, you can right click on your character > Appearances, and sculpt the face and body however you choose.
2)  Out of the 2 choices of place to start out, I chose Help Island. It lets you go through free clothes, because the basic set is terrible, as well as gives you tutorials and basic etiquette. Note:  Choose underwear first, otherwise your avatar will be butt naked for everyone to see as you switch clothes, and that's not allowed (in most places).
3)  One of the first things that you'll realize in Second Life (SL) places is that you need Linden Dollars (L$) to buy anything. Since you start off with $0, you'll need to find money trees, sit on certain benches for a specified period of time, dancing (aka stripping), getting a job, etc. Just go to the Search tab at the bottom of your window and type in Money Tree for a list of places with them. They often sporadically sprout L$ when other players donate.

Game Life:
  I spent my first full 24 hours exploring Help Island, location jumping, looking for money trees, trying in vain to get the storefront benches around me to work, and eventually ended up inside of a Job Agency trying to get a job. Turns out that for almost every job you'll need to have existed for 30 days minimum. Back to the money trees then.

On the bright side, there's a Money Tree Island that dumps money in order to receive traffic on their location. You just have to go to Edit > Profile > Picks > Select Money Tree Island and then wait 24 hours for it to appear in your Picks selection. This allows the money block in the island's center to recognize you and let you vie for the sporadically dumped money, along with others in the room.

Bright side #2:  I saw Trunks from DBZ and a goth princess with a floating dress and fantastic hair. It turns out that you can wear costumes as your clothing, and some of them are free!

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