Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm back with more rants than ever.

I finally have a job, thank goodness. It's a freelance writing gig for Demand Studios. I'm still stuck in the Biography phase, but once it gets going, it should roll like a tripped yetti.

I'm also engaged and enjoying it. He thought I was a weird one when I told him I hate diamonds. Well, that's me. Give me a stone that lives! Opal, ruby, emerald, anything that looks like it has a personality waiting to beat down the door.

I can't wait to see the newest Twilight. I'm a big skeptic, but I enjoy the books. The acting seems to get better as the movies progress, so hopefully this 3rd one won't disappoint. What do I have to lose? If I don't like it, then I'll just go back to being a skeptic. I suppose this leads to the next point:

I do believe that I'm a closeted hopeless romantic. Yet with a strange twist.

I speak practicalities, but in my mind I've been rooting for you all - every single lost heart, psychopath, manic depressive, jock, nerdette, geekling, Everyman (not a typo). I see the unconventional storybook ways that you could meet, annoy each other, and become Person 2.0.

Here's to you all.

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