Saturday, August 21, 2010

LAN Parties

The ultimate geek party. I've been to several of them for World of Warcraft, but only found out today that they have a name. LAN Parties. They occur when geeks amass at one house to play computer games with each other (ex. Diablo 2, WOW, . Computers can be found anywhere there is room for them, with cables running across the room like an Indiana Jones trap.

It's the ultimate group of friends. No one's going to care if you're wearing makeup (in my case) as long as your character is useful and you can wait your turn for loot drops. There's no awkward conversations about who's going out with who and 'what do think of her flakiness'. It's all, 'Let's keep to the walls so we don't draw the enemies' fire too soon,' and my favorite, 'Can anyone use this purple? It's not compatible with my characters armor/weapons'. Music to my ears.

There are friendships, enemies, and as I found out the hard way, mercenary farmers. That gets to be a touchy subject around friends when they kill you all for 'invading their turf'. Just wait til you have a group of level 80s and go hunting, my friends.

Trust me.


  1. so. random fact. I follow your blog sometimes. And I hacked onto blogger at school, and when I clicked on your blog I got a notice telling me the content on this blog is only for adults. I don't get that at home. Weird.

  2. Yea, I should probably fix that. I originally had it up because of swearing.
