Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens

Cowboys and Aliens = 7.5/10

I'm giving this movie a 7.5 due to plot holes and out of character moments.

Plot Holes:

The movie never explained how the female alien, the last of her species, was able to travel to Earth. Did she have her own single-pilot ship? Did she stow away on the vast enemy alien ship? Did she arrive before or after the enemy aliens? (She obviously had time to integrate herself into the local population for the townspeople to recognize and trust her.)

The movie never explained how no one noticed the enemy ship. If the heroes were able to successfully hide in the landscape and ride out to gather the troops, then how were there no passersby on any given day to say, "What the hell is that? I think I'll bring more people to check it out."

Out of Character Moments:

The kernel was a man who liked control over a situation. He controlled his cattle hands, his worthless son's fate, and even who could use his military title. The beginning of the movie enforced this. He wanted to steal Jake from the sheriff for crimes committed against his business, but as soon as Jake proved to be able to shoot down aliens, the kernel backed off. He gave away control. He didn't set a night watch to keep an eye on the criminal during rests, or send someone to follow Jake when he set off to find his old gang. The kernel just let go. A control freak doesn't suddenly stop being who they are, let alone trust the man who stole company gold.

The kernel was a mushy mess when his adopted cattle hand was dying. He didn't even see the guy as an adopted son until the end of the movie. Tough guys internalize those situations (especially control freaks).


On the bright side, this movie had likeable characters. The aliens that they fought were menacing and well crafted - enough to you jump a bit. Oh yeah, and a healthy dose of fear that you'll be organ-sliced and probed by aliens makes the human offensive way more effective once they reach the interior of the alien ship.

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