Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm back with more rants than ever.

I finally have a job, thank goodness. It's a freelance writing gig for Demand Studios. I'm still stuck in the Biography phase, but once it gets going, it should roll like a tripped yetti.

I'm also engaged and enjoying it. He thought I was a weird one when I told him I hate diamonds. Well, that's me. Give me a stone that lives! Opal, ruby, emerald, anything that looks like it has a personality waiting to beat down the door.

I can't wait to see the newest Twilight. I'm a big skeptic, but I enjoy the books. The acting seems to get better as the movies progress, so hopefully this 3rd one won't disappoint. What do I have to lose? If I don't like it, then I'll just go back to being a skeptic. I suppose this leads to the next point:

I do believe that I'm a closeted hopeless romantic. Yet with a strange twist.

I speak practicalities, but in my mind I've been rooting for you all - every single lost heart, psychopath, manic depressive, jock, nerdette, geekling, Everyman (not a typo). I see the unconventional storybook ways that you could meet, annoy each other, and become Person 2.0.

Here's to you all.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Home Income Profit system is a scam

I almost bought into the idea of the Free Home Income Profit system. The reviewers sounded happy with the product on the "news" site and they were making money. As soon as you type in your name, address (blech, I can't believe I did that), and phone number, you click continue and the next page says that they need your credit card number to pay for the shipping.

Of a "free" kit. Hmm mm.

So I searched for 'Home Income Profit' online and every single site had the word SCAM in it. I immediately clicked off the scam's page and continued reading the actual reviewers' comments.

It turns out that if I had ordered the kit, there was a 3-day trial period that would have ended during the 2 weeks of shipping, and the scam company would've taken $140 my account by then.

So beware, and remember that if it sounds too good to be true, OR, a "free" product tries to make you pay for it, it's a scam!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cajun night

Oh delicious Cajun food, how I love you when created properly.

If Applebee's can make spicy pasta, then why can't a northern Cajun restaurant? Spicy pasta shouldn't have a watery base. And more than just spicy bits of potato. Where's the heat in watery pasta?

I won't name names.

I hate diluted pasta.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So I had to give Butters a bath last month because he doesn't clean himself. It was annoying the other cats to the point where Bruce went from occasionally trying to help clean Butters to there being a full out carpet of Butters hair each morning.

He hadn't forgiven me til today. I was finally allowed to pet him.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So I'm going to Belfast in several weeks. My boyfriend is going to be in training, but after he's done every day, we're going to try to explore the area. This may be a long shot to ask, but does anyone know good places to eat/visit?

The tourism websites keep giving me the names of trendy bistros that serve high priced food. Where do normal people eat there?

Here's what I have so far on my list of Things to Do:
1) Eat at The Orient Bar
2) Katy Daly's pub/club - music and drinks
3) See Belfast Castle
4) Victoria Park - not formal nature, more wild around a lake
5) Lecale Coast, if we can get to it, otherwise it's fine
6) (Maybe) Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park